Growth inhibitory effect of bovine lactoferrin to Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites in murine macrophages: tyrosine phosphorylation in murine macrophages induced by bovine lactoferrin

Tanaka T, Omata Y, Isamida T, Saito A, Shimazaki K, Yamauchi K, Suzuki N
J Vet Med Sci 1998 Mar 60:369-71


Previous studies have shown that lactoferrin induces growth inhibitory effects in mouse macrophages against intracellular Toxoplasma gondii, and these effects were not mediated by the oxygen-dependent and inorganic nitrogen-dependent pathway.

To clarify the mechanism of anti-Toxoplasma gondii activity induced by lactoferrin, we examined whether lactoferrin promoted the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in macrophage proteins. In immunoblotting assays using anti-[phosphorylated tyrosine] monoclonal antibody, phosphorylation of tyrosine residues was detected in protein(s) of approximately 30 kDa in macrophages incubated with lactoferrin. Inhibition of the lactoferrin-induced tyrosine-phosphorylation by genistein led to loss of the lactoferrin-induced growth inhibitory effect against the parasites.

These findings suggest that lactoferrin induces tyrosine-phosphorylation in macrophages, and the tyrosine-phosphorylation seems to be associated with the induction of the growth inhibitory activity exerted against intracellular Toxoplasma gondii.

Author Address

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan.

Word Count: 163 Words