See Rhematoid Arthtitis
A condition characterized by attacks of bronchospasm, causing difficulty in breathing, mild to severe in the wind pipes. Causes range thru from allergens, exertion, emotions and infections.
A disorder of the body's defence mechanisms in which antibodies act against Products of it's own tissues, treating them as foreign and attacking them. An example of this is Rheumatoid arthritis
A solid mass formed as the result of blood coagulation, either within the blood vessels and heart or elsewhere.
The presence of either bacterial toxins or large numbers of bacteria in ones blood, which causes serious illness.
A serious form of food poisoning. Clostridium botulinum. The toxin selectively affects the central nervous system. In fatal cases death is often caused by heart and lung failure. The bacterium thrives in improperly preserved foods.
A malignant tumour of the breast, usually a carcinoma but sometimes a sarcoma. Rare in men, but the commonest form of cancer in women. The cause is not known but it tends to run in families, in countries where prolonged breast-feeding is the rule and dietary intake of animal fats is low, the incidence of breast cancer is much lower.
Inflammation of the bronchi, caused by viruses or bacteria and is characterized by coughing and the narrowing of the bronchi due to spasmodic contraction. Chronic bronchitis, coughing of excessive mucus secreted by enlarged bronchial mucous glands.
Arthritis is a degenerative condition involving degeneration of the joints and connective tissue throughout the body marked by pain and swelling. Synovial membranes (connective tissue) thickens and joints swell with redness and are tender. There are numerous regulatory and growth factors present in Colostrum which offer anti-inflammatory protection. This protection may be in part due to the rapid elimination and/or neutralisation of microbial pathogens by defense agents in colostrum.
A genus of spiral motile Gram-negative bacteria, a common cause of infective diarrhoea. Commonly caused by bad food preparation, and hygiene.
Carcinoma and Sarcoma, see Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Melanoma, Throat Cancer Brain Cancer, Lymphoma, Carcinosarcoma, Leukemia.
A genus of yeast-like fungi that inhabit the vagina and alimentary tract and can under certain conditions cause candidiasis. Candidiasis of the mouth, lungs, intestine, vagina, skin and nails-treated by antibiotics.
A malignant tumour of the cervix, uterus, or vagina containing a mixture of Adenocarcinoma, sarcoma cells, and stroma. It is often bulky and polypoid, with grape like fronds. Cervical cancer features include vaginal discharge, often foul smelling and usually blood stained.
The cessation of effective pumping action of the heart, which most commonly occurs when the muscle fibres of the ventricles start to beat rapidly without pumping blood or when the heart stops beating completely. There is abrupt loss of consciousness, a cessation of the pulse and breathing stops. Some patients may be resuscitated by massage of the heart, artificial respiration, and defibrillation.
A genus of virus like bacteria disease. Some strains of Chlamydia are responsible for sexually transmitted diseases.
A widespread infectious virus disease causing inflamation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes. Transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms include sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, headache, cough and general lethargy.
Infrequent bowel movements. Or in which the faeces are hard or small, or when the faeces passage cause pain. May be a symptom of intestinal disease.
A mental state characterized by excessive sadness. Behaviour is governed by pessimistic or despairing beliefs, and sleep appetite, and concentrationare disturbed. Loss and frustration can cause depression as well as other factors that disrupt the balance of seratonin in the brain.
Diabetes mellitus: A disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in which sugars in the body are not oxidized to produce energy due to lack of the pancreatic hormone *Insulin. Symptoms include thirst, loss of weight, and excessive production of urine. Treatment is based on a carefully controlled diet, with adequate carbohydrate for the body's needs, together with drugs such as insulin that are taken to lower blood-glucose levels. Loss of this balance leads to hypoglycaemia.
Too-frequent bowel evacuation or the passage or abnormally soft or liquid faeces. Causes can range from intestinal infections, other forms of intestinal inflammation, malabsorption, anxiety and the irritable bowel syndrome.
A lactose fermenting species- is not usually harmful but under certain conditions can cause infection of the Urinogenital tract and diarrhoea in children. It is also widely used in laboratory experiments for bacteriological and genetic studies.
Inflamation of the small intestine.
Inflammation of the small intestine and colon.
A powerful contraction of the intestine, usually accompanied by pain.
A generic term for illnesses affecting the digestive system that result from eating food contaminated either by bacteria or less commonly, by residues of insecticides.
Death and decay of part of the body due to deficiency or cessation of blood supply. The causes include disease, injury, or atheroma in major blood vessels, frostbite or severe burns, and diseases such as diabetes.
An ulcer in the stomach, caused by acid, pepsin, and bile on the stomach lining. Stomach cancer may mimic a gastric ulcer, all gastric ulcers should be examined by a gastroscope.
Inflammation of the stomach and the intestine. Usually due to acute infection by viruses or bacteria or to food poisoning.
A mild highly contagious virus infection, mainly seen in children, characterized by the eruption of minute pink spots, spreading from the face and neck to the rest of the body. As German measles can cause fetal malformations during pregnancy, girls are usually immunized against the disease before puberty.
A disease caused by ingesting the parasitic protozoan Giardia lamblia. Symptoms include diarrhoea, nausea, bellyache and flatulence.
An inflammation of the gums caused by plaque on the teeth where they join the gums. The gums are swollen and they bleed easily.
An infectious disease that mainly affects adolescents and young adults. Serious complications are rare, but the disease often persists and patients may feel weak and lethargic for weeks, sometimes even months.
Acute and Chronic Gastrointestinal Tract Disease. Due to the specific binding activity and complementary action against Gastrointestinal pathogens by the colostrum, products may be targeted towards the treatment of Acute and Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease.
A hereditary disorder in which the blood clots very slowly. The patient may experience prolonged (and therefore dangerous) bleeding following an injury or wound, and in severe cases there may be spontaneous bleeding into the muscles and joints.
An enlargment of the normal spongy blood-filled cushions in the wall of the anus, usually as a result of constipation or severe diarrhoea.
Inflammation of the liver caused by virus, toxic substances, or immune deficiency. There are various different strains, some transmitted by infected food and drink, while others are transmitted through sexual or blood-to-blood contact.
An inflammation of the skin caused by viruses and characterized by small blisters. Herpes can affect the face and eyes, or the genitals. Herpes can also cause shingles, and occasionally, chicken pox in children.
The virus responsible for Aids (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The virus suppresses the body's immune response. Aids is transmitted either by sexual contact, or by contact with infected blood. Aids is pandemic and as yet there is no known cure.
A very common chronic condition in which victims suffer abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhoea. This can lead to general feelings of lethargy and ill-health.
Inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords, due to infection or irritation. The voice becomes husky or disappears completely, sometimes accompanied by difficulty breathing and a harsh cough.
Any of a group of malignant diseases in which the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs produce increased numbers of certain types of white blood cells, which leads to increased susceptibility to infection. Treatment is with radiotherapy and drugs.
Cancer in the lining of the lung. It is a very common form of cancer, and is associated with smoking and exposure to industrial pollutants.
Any malignant tumor of the lymph nodes, including Hodgkin's disease. The disease is usually widespread, but in some cases is confined to a single area.Treatment is with drugs, but localized disease may also be treated with radiotherapy.
A state in which absorption of one or more substances by the small intestine is reduced. It is often caused as a result of conditions such as celiac disease and pancreatitis.
An infectious disease due to parasites within the red blood cells. Transmitted by mosquitoes, it is mainly confined to tropical and sub-tropical areas.
The condition caused by an improper balance between what a person eats, and what the body requires to maintain health. This can result from starvation or from eating a severely unbalanced diet.
A highly malignant tumor of melanin-forming cells. Usually occurs in the skin, but occasionally in the eye and mucous membranes.
An inflammation of the meninges caused by infection by viruses or bacteria. Causes an intense headache, fever, intolerance to light and sound and stiffness of the neck. Severe cases can lead to death.
The time in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs and her periods cease. At the time of the menopause there is a change in the balance of hormones which can lead to symptoms such as hot flushes, palpitations, and emotional disturbance.
A recurrent throbbing headache that characteristically affects one side of the head. There is sometimes forewarning of an attack, such as flickering of bright lights and blurring of vision. Often accompanied by vomiting.
A progressive degenerative disease, occurring in middle age, which causes muscle weakness and wasting.
A chronic disease of the nervous system affecting young and middle-aged adults. The disease affects different parts of the brain and spinal cord, resulting in a variety of symptoms, including shaky limbs,, unsteady gait and defects in speech.
(ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) A disorder characterized by muscular fatigue and pain, slow movements, lack of concentration, memory loss and extreme tiredness. The condition has been associated with diseases of the gut.
see Cardiac Arrest
A loss of bony tissue, resulting in bones that are brittle and liable to fracture. Common in the elderly and in women following the menopause
A breach in the lining of the digestive tract. A peptic ulcer may be found in various different parts of the digestive tract, and are associated with various different conditions
Disease of the tissues that support and attach the teeth and gums, caused by bacteria. The most common cause of tooth loss in older people. Poor oral hygene is a major contributory factor.
An inflammation of the membrane of the abdominal cavity, caused by bacteria spread via the bloodstream.
Inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, in which the air sacs fill up with pus so that air is excluded and the lung becomes solid.
A chronic skin disease in which itchy scaly red patches form on the elbows, forearms, knees, legs, scalp and other parts of the body.
A form of arthritis that is the second most common rheumatic disease, after osteoarthritis. It typically involves the joints of the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles: often the hips and shoulders are affected as well.
Bacteria that inhabit the intestines of animals and man, that cause disease. Different species of salmonella can cause Typhoid fever, and food poisoning, gastroenteritis and septicaemia
A tropical disease caused by blood flukes. Contracted by bathing in infected water.
A disease that is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
Widespread destruction of tissues due to absorption of disease-causing bacteria or their toxins from the bloodstream.
An infestation of the digestive system by bacteria of the genus Shigella, causing bacillary dysentery.
Inflammation of the air spaces in the facial bones connected to the nose. It is often caused by infection spreading from the nose.
A developmental defect in which the newborn baby has part of the spinal cord and its coverings exposed through the backbone.
Injury to a ligament, caused by sudden overstretching. As the ligament is not severed it gradually heals, but this can take several months.
A chronic sexually transmitted disease, resulting in the formation of lesions throughout the body.
Flatworms that have long, ribbon-like bodies and live as parasites in the intestines.
Inflammation of the tendon. It occurs most commonly after excessive over-use, but is sometimes the result of a bacterial infection, or a rheumatic disease.
An acute infectious disease, affecting the nervous system. Infection occurs by contamination of wounds by bacterial spores.
A state of acute shock in a woman due to septicaemia. The commonest cause is a retained foreign body (eg an IUD or tampon), combined with the presence of bacteria.
Disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, which is transmitted via undercooked meat, contaminated soil, or by direct contact, especially with infected cats.
A disease caused by larvae of the worm Trichinella spiralis. Contracted by eating undercooked meat containing cysts.
An infection of the digestive system, causing dysentery, or an infection of the vagina, causing inflammation and discharge.
An infectious disease caused by bacteria, and characterized by the formation of lesions in the tissues. Many people can become infected and show no symptoms, instead acting as carriers. Symptoms of the active disease can range from fever to night sweats and weight loss.
Infection of the digestive system by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. Symptoms range from fever, chills and sweating through to erosion of the intestinal wall. Transmitted through contaminated food or drinking water.
An acute contagious disease primarily affecting children, due to infection of the mucous membranes lining the air passages.